Promotion of the book PUBLIC NETBASE: NON STOP FUTURE, 1st of February in 16:00, transmediale festival 09, Berlin

New Media invites you to the promotion of the book:
New practices in Art and Media at the transmediale 09, festival for art and digital culture, Berlin (
February the 1st 2009, in 16:00h, in Open Space talks in K1-Salon, HKW
Speakers at the book promotion:
- Konrad Becker, director of the "World-Information Institute", Vienna
- Felix Stalder, researcher, Zurich - Vienna
- Zoran Pantelić, New Media, Novi Sad
- Branka Ćurčić, New Media, Novi Sad
New practices in Art and Media
Published 2008
ISBN: 978-3-86588-455-8
The book is available at Vice Versa:
New information technologies have become ubiquitous and thoroughly established in our everyday lives. This marks the end of a period of intense experimentation and speculations related to the introduction of global communication systems more than a decade ago. Artists and cultural workers were the first to explore their liberatory dimensions and to apply their emancipatory potentials. These early pioneers developed a range of interdisciplinary models and practices in order to expand the scope of social participation in information society cultures. Initiatives like the radical Viennese mediaculture institution Public Netbase became important nodes in a global network dedicated to critical art, culture and science based on new media practices.
A virtual world is possible, but never without real spaces and tangible social interaction. This publication is both a review of the pioneer days from the perspective of Public Netbase as well as an outlook into the future of art and culture in digital networks. It provides an overview of a critical information economy discourse, insights into Tactical Media strategies and a critique of the loss of public domain and the commons. Based on the extensive archives of Public Netbase, the book features some of the most spectacular and controversial art projects and interventions from 1994 to 2006. It also offers historical documents and manifestos critical of commercialisation and control society issues, together with a view into the digital world of tomorrow. Non Stop Futur raises awareness for a need to invest in new and diverse practices in art and media.
Extensive contributions from many art and media theorists and practitioners to this book relate to long lasting collaboration with Public Netbase through different formats of conferences and projects, reflecting some of the most relevant problematics in constellation of art and tactical media practices and theories within communication technologies. The broad spectrum of themes regarding politics of digital media culture, art practices, networking, participation and self-organizing make the “Non Stop Future” an important contribution to forming the critical digital heritage of the future.
Public Netbase: Non Stop Future
New Practices in Art and Media
Published 2008
Publisher: Revolver - Archiv für aktuelle Kunst
ISBN: 978-3-86588-455-8
Editors: Branka Ćurčić, Zoran Pantelić / New Media
Editorial team: Konrad Becker, Branka Ćurčić, Zoran Pantelić, Felix Stalder, Martin Wassermair
Editorial assistance:
Clemens Apprich, Katharina Ludwig, Wolfgang Sützl
Proof-reading: Bojana Petrić, Branka Ćurčić
Design and layout: NinjaBoy Creations and
Printed in: Daniel Print, Novi Sad
Print run: 800
In cooperation with World-Information Institute / t0
Support: Austrian Cultural Forum Belgrade
Any part of this book may be reproduced in any form without the prior written permission of the publishers for educational and non-commercial use. The contributors and publishers, however, would like to be informed.
Revolver - Archiv für aktuelle Kunst
World-Information Institute / t0
New Media
List of contributors
Clemens Apprich
philosopher and political theorist, Vienna, Austria
Konrad Becker
Institute for New Culture Technologies/t0, Vienna, Austria
Franco Berardi Bifo
philosopher and political activist, Bologna, Italy
Paulina Borsook
author and researcher on the development of netculture, Santa Cruz, United States
Andreas Broeckmann
Art scholar, curator, lives in Berlin. 2000-07 artistic director of transmediale
Critical Art Ensemble
Artist Collective, United States
Branka Ćurčić
New Media, Novi Sad, Serbia
Erik Davis
writer, culture critic and independent scholar, San Francisco, United States
Manuel de Landa
writer, artist and philosopher, New York City, Unites States
Matthew Fuller
artist and member of Mongrel, London, England
Graham Harwood
artist and member of Mongrel, London, England
Brian Holmes
art critic, theorist and activist, Paris, France
Patricia Köstring
Independent writer and culture critic, Vienna, Austria
Steve Kurtz
Critical Art Ensemble, United States
Lawrence Liang
researcher with Alternative Law Forum, Bangalore India
Karin Liebhart
University of Vienna, Austria
Geert Lovink
Media theorist and activist, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Katharina Ludwig
political scientist, Vienna, Austria
Lev Manovich
University of California, San Diego, United States
Oliver Marchart
philosopher and political theorist, Luzern, Switzerland
Lisa Mayr
political scientist, Vienna, Austria
Eben Moglen
Columbia University, New York City, United States
Chantal Mouffe
University of Westminster, London, England
Sjoera Nas
digital civil rights advocacy, Amsterdam
Zoran Pantelić
New Media, Novi Sad, Serbia
Marko Peljhan
artist and activist, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Sadie Plant
author and philosopher, Birmingham, England
Gerald Raunig
European Institute for Progressive Cultural Policies/eipcp, Vienna, Austria
Saskia Sassen
London School of Economics, England
Florian Schneider
author, net activist and movie producer, Munich, Germany
Pit Schultz
author, artist and computer professional, Berlin, Germany
Jason Skeet
Association of Autonomous Astronauts, Inner City AAA
Dejan Sretenović
chief curator, Museum of Contemporary Art Belgrade, Serbia
performance artist, West Melton Victoria, Australia
Felix Stalder
sociologist and media researcher, Vienna, Austria
Bruce Sterling
author, journalist and critic, Pasadena, United States
Vera Tollmann
curator and writer, Berlin, Germany
Martin Wassermair
Institute for New Culture Technologies/t0, Vienna, Austria
Francisco de Sousa Webber
Institute for New Culture Technologies/t0, Vienna, Austria
Katharina Wegan
Historian, Vienna, Austria
Faith Wilding
artist, writer and educator, Chicago, United States
Peter Lamborn Wilson aka Hakim Bey
writer, essayist and philosopher, New York City, United States
Work Group on "Cultures of Electronic Networks"
Cultural Competence, International Conference, Linz, Austria