Akademie Schloss Solitude and kuda.org
Since 2008, Center_kuda.org takes part in bilateral artist exchange program, in duration of three months, in cooperation with the Akademie Schloss Solitude, Stuttgart, http://www.akademie-solitude.de/
So far, this program enabled one artist, architect and art theorist from Serbia to realize their projects and/or residencies in the Akademie Schloss Solitude:
> Dubravka Sekulić, architect from Belgrade, spent her residency in Schloss Solitude in 2008. Born in Niš, Serbia in 1980. Dubravka is an architect-researcher, considering architecture as cultural practice that can motivate and guide changes in future.
From 2003. she is working at the Faculty of Architecture, University of Belgrade as a teaching assistant on various programs, most of them cooperation with different schools of architecture from the world (KTH, Sweden, Parsons, NY, USA, TU Wien, Austria).
From 2007 she is also working as an executive editor of Anchor, newly established school magazine. In 2007 she was collaborating with Platforma 9.81 from Zagreb, Croatia on the project "New spatial strategy for city of Zagreb", consultancy study that was commissioned by City of Zagreb Committee for strategy. She was part of the Culture stadium project that Srdjan Jovanovic Weiss and The NAO were developing for kuda.org. She participated in numerous workshops, exhibitions, conferences. Currently working on a project about transformation of department stores in former Yugoslavia.
> Danilo Prnjat, artist from Belgrade/Novi Sad, spent his residency in Solitude in 2009. Born in 1982 in Herceg Novi, Montenegro. Graduated from the Academy of Arts in Novi Sad. At the moment he is at the interdisciplinary master studies of Theory of Arts and Media at the Faculty of Arts in Belgrade. Actively does installations, photography, performance, and inter-media researches. Lives and works in Belgrade.
> Ana Vilenica, theorist, art historian from Pančevo, spent her residency in Solitude in 2010. Born in 1978. Pancevo, Serbia. Ana is free lance visual artist, performer, curator, art historian, art theoretician. B.A. in Art history, Faculty of Philosophy, Belgrade University. She is PhD candidate at department for Theory of art and media, Interdisciplinary Postgraduate Studies, University of Art in Belgrade Title of thesis: "Theory and Practice of Art Activism after 1960". Active in the field of visual and performance art since 1999. Co-founder of Subhuman theatre, member of Art group Via Pontica, one of the founders and director of children’s theatre Tom-cat Zorba (2003-05), from 2007 to 2008 collaborator of TkH platform for theory and practice of performance art, at the moment coordinator of artist run space Elektrika in Panchevo.
Fellows from Solitude hosted in Novi Sad, in 2010:
> Bernhard Herbordt & Melanie Mohren, Germany
Bernhard Herbordt (*1978 in Wurzburg) and Melanie Mohren (*1979 in Bonn) graduated from the Institute for Applied Theatre Studies at the Justus Liebig Universitat in Giessen in 2005. Since then, they work together on interdisciplinary theatre projects, radio plays, installations and exhibitions. Their work has been supported and shown among others through the following institutions and festivals: Akademie Schloss Solitude Stuttgart, Berliner Zimmer -Context* 1 Hebbel am Ufer Berlin, cutting edge Festival Frankfurt, DeutschlandRadio Kultur, die Wuste lebt Festival Hamburg, Feuer&Flamme Festival Hamburg, Freischwimmer Festival, Forum Freies Theater Dusseldorf, Theaterhaus Gessnerallee Zurich, Hessischer Rundfunk, ITs Festival Amsterdam, Kampnagel Hamburg, Kunstlerhaus Mousonturm Frankfurt, PACT Zollverein Essen, Theater Bonn, Sophiensaele Berlin, Schauspiel Stuttgart, Westdeutscher Rundfunk, ZKM Karlsruhe.