Temporary Services, but Permanent Artistic Practice Cultural Center REX, Jevrejska 16, Belgrade 27th of October 2011, at 7PM, Brett Bloom in Cultural Center REX, Belgrade. Presentation and public talk with the artist, writer and cultural worker Brett Bloom with Jelena Vesić, independent curator and art critic and Vladimir Jerić Vlidi, writer, media researcher and activist from Belgrade.
Cultural Center Rex, Belgrade, Jevrejska 16 http://www.rex.b92.net/en.html Sunday 26 June, 6 pm Monday, 27 June, 7 pm Cultural Center Rex invites you to a meeting, presentation and discussion with groups of cultural workers from Spain, Slovenia and Serbia. The common theme of the gathering, bringing together the Radical Education Collective, Workers' Inquiry Group and their Serbian colleagues, scheduled for Sunday and Monday evening at REX is Working conditions for cultural workers.
INtoOUTREACH - Re-enactment of the unknown
Program establishing a new forms of collaboration in production and distribution of culture