A collective poetic translation of the Surrealist Anti-Wall

A collective poetic translation of the Surrealist Anti-Wall
Howard Slater, Vladimir Tabašević, kuda.org and GKP
June 29 - July 6, 2015
in Centru_kuda.org
Novi Sad, Braće Mogin 2
3 & 4. July (Friday and Saturday), from 12-17h
public conversations with guests at kuda.org
At Center_kuda.org, a meeting is currently underway, joint work on the collective poetic translation of the text Anti-wall, contributing to a more correct understanding of surrealism, written by Vane Bor and Marko Ristic published in 1932 as part of the Surrealist editions.
The shared interest in the poetic nucleus of the Surrealists, in poetry, improvisation, affective politics, and thought, led poets Howard Slater of London and Vladimir Tabašević of Rakovica, and members of kuda.org and the Conceptual Policy Group (GKP) in Novi Sad, to joint work on the poetic translation of the Anti-Wall from Serbian into English. After several planned encounters of this kind, a poetic translation will be published in 2016 in kuda.org.
During July 3 and 4, in the premises of kuda.org, the joint work will be public and open to those who are interested in the dynamics of our work, and in addition to Howard Slater, guests will be feminist activist Tanja Markovic from Belgrade and musician, trumpet player Nenad Markovic From Novi Sad.
The creation of this production environment began in 2013 with the translation of the book "Anomie/Bonomy and Other Texts" by Howard Slater, poet, theorist, and therapist: https://kuda.org/en/anomiebonhomie-and-other-texts-book-howard-slater and at the (anti-) conference "Faculty of De-programming for Obsolescence! Welcome!" held in 2014 in Novi Sad: https://kuda.org/en/reader-konference-faculty-de-programming-obsolescence-welcome-published-kudaorg
The collective poetic translation of the Surrealist Anti-Wall is part of the "Archive as an Art Organization" activity, which is dedicated to archiving and actualizing vulnerable historical-artistic and political practices and movements, and which takes place within the "Aesthetic Education Extended" project. org, the Multimedia Institute mi2 and Kulturtreger (books) from Zagreb, Kontrapunkt from Skopje, and the Berliner Gazette, and which supports the Creative Europe program of the European Commission.