kuda.org announce: transversal audio season, Spring 2024, moderator: Lina Dokuzović

transversal audio season

Spring 2024

Moderator: Lina Dokuzović

The coming transversal audio season will center around discussions on non-traditional or even clandestine publishing practices from the peripheries, as part of the Peripheral Visions project. The notion of “peripherality” is critically approached and often subverted within these discussions, but serves as a sort of central theme in understanding the challenges and commonalities between these very unique practices.

Beginning with a look at the legacy and contemporary importance of the publication Arkzin (based in Zagreb, 1991-1998) and its ability to both exist as an anti-war platform in the midst of war, while reaching audiences both across the region as well as beyond it, the discussions will expand to look at the present-day context. This will include platforms that were connected to and influenced by Arkzin, such as Novi Sad-based kuda.org, which has existed from 2001 to the present, and the creative approaches they’ve developed for facing challenges over the years. A conversation with the Ljubljana-based platform Maska looks at the role of care in the arts in their recent publications and collaborations, while discussing their use of the term “Yugofuturism” as a theoretical point of departure for thinking through multiple temporalities for reimagining the challenges of the present. This first block of talks will conclude with a discussion with Mišo Kapetanović on queer perspectives for subverting gatekeeping concepts in research on former-Yugoslavia, particularly Bosnia.

second block of talks, starting end of March, will shift the focus to other spaces beyond the former-Yugoslav region and will look at the modes of operation, distribution, and the use of flexible technologies for existing in these landscapes of political repression.

New episodes will be published on Wednesdays at 18:00 CET.
Default language: English, with multilingual interventions.


21 February
Part I
Arkzin, its Legacy and Contemporary Importance:
A Conversation with Boris Buden, Vesna Janković, Petar Milat, and Paul Stubbs

28 February
Part II
Arkzin, its Legacy and Contemporary Importance:
A Conversation with Boris Buden, Vesna Janković, Petar Milat, and Paul Stubbs

6 March
Experimenting with Networks, Technologies and Political Hurdles:
kuda.org on their Origins and Current Challenges

13 March
Reflections on Care and Yugofuturism:
The Publishing Practices of Theater Platform Maska

20 March
Queer Perspectives for Subverting Academic Writing on Former-Yugoslavia and Bosnia:
A Conversation with Mišo Kapetanović


Lina Dokuzović is based in Vienna and works at the intersection between visual art and text/knowledge production. She studied Fine Arts and received a PhD in Cultural Studies from the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna. She is a member of the VBKÖ (Austrian Association of Women Artists), where she was a board member (2011–2018) and chairperson from 2011–2013. She began working with the eipcp as a researcher and co-editor of the multilingual web journal transversal during the research project Creating Worlds (2009–2012). Her writing, research, lectures, and artistic work deal with the topics of migration; knowledge production and educational policies; mechanisms of appropriation and privatization of structures such as education, culture, the body, and land; and perspectives for translocal solidarity. She has been actively involved in knowledge-based social movements in Europe and abroad. She has authored numerous articles on these topics, co-edited several anthologies, and translates from Croatian/Bosnian/Serbian and German to English. Her most recent books include Struggles for Living Learning (2016) and They'll Never Walk Alone (2018, co-edited with Boris Buden). 

This audio season is part of the project "Peripheral Visions", which is supported by the Creative Europe Programme (2021-27) of the European Union and co-funded by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Arts, Culture, Civil Service and Sport.
The annual programme of eipcp is supported by: Foundation for Arts Initiatives, City of Vienna Culture.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the authors only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

eipcp - european institute for progressive cultural policies
wien, linz, berlin, london, málaga, zürich
a-1060 wien, gumpendorfer straße 63b

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https://transversal.at | http://eipcp.net