kuda.org participates at CRITICAL DE?!GN / Designers Troublemakers: The Exhibition and Symposium on Critical Design, Bratislava, September 2022

CRITICAL DE?!GN / Designers Troublemakers

The Exhibition and Symposium on critical design in Bratislava, Slovakia which is organised by Open Design Studio and Critical Daily.

1st - 17th of September 2022 in Gallery Medium at Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava.

Curators: Lenka Hámošová and Katarína Balážiková.

Exhibiting authors:

Brave New Alps - Bianca Elzenbaumer (IT), Fabio Franz (IT) / Kate Crawford (AUS), Vladan Joler (SRB) / kuda.org - Branka Čurčić (SRB), Zoran Pantelić (SRB) / Barbora Demovičová (SK) / Noel Douglas (VB) / Noortje van Eekelen (NL) / Futuress - Mio Kojima (CHE), Maya Ober (CHE), Nina Paim (CHE) / Miekke Gerritzen (NL) / Hackers & Designers (NL) / Lenka Hámošová (SK) / Anja Kaiser (DE) / Barbora Krejčová (SK) / Francisco Laranjo (UK) / Peter Liška (SK) / Branislav Matis (SK) / Boris Meluš (SK) / Open Design Studio - Katarína Balážiková (SK), Martin Mistrík (SK) / Ruben Pater (NL) / Lucia Repašská (CZ) / Ľubica Segečová (SK) / Samuel Szabó (SK) / Jan van Toorn (NL)

The exhibition CRITICAL DE?!GN / Designers Troublemakers focuses on projects that have been published in the form of a blogpost on Critical Daily - an online blogzine about critical graphic design practice, collecting blogs on critical projects both from Slovakia and abroad. You can findout more about "Critical Daily" in Katarina Balážikova's text at this link.


Within the exhibition would be exhibit selected projects the bloggers wrote about - including project ID: Ideology of Design from 2009 made and produced by kuda.org from Novi Sad, Serbia.

Exhibition ID: Ideology of Design, Curators and production of the exhibition: New Media Center_kuda.org
Realized from 23 October – 23 Novembe, 2009, Museum of Contemporary Art of Vojvodina, Novi Sad, Serbia

More about the ID: Ideology of Design.

Blogzin Critical Daily - Critical practice in Graphic Design is an integral part of the exhibition and symposium, and for the purposes of this project, an analytical email interview with kuda.org edited by Mária Rišková was realized.



CRITICAL DE?!GN / Designers Troublemakers

1st - 17th of September, 2022

Gallery Medium at Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava.


  • Open Design Studio

Project partners:

  • Critical Daily,
  • A4 - Priestor súčasnej kultúry,
  • Galéria Medium,
  • Open Design Network,
  • UROBOROS Festival

Financial support:

  • Fond na podporu umenia,
  • Nadácia mesta Bratislava,
  • Bratislavský samosprávny kraj