kuda.org recommends: CRIC - Festival of critical culture | 21.11 - 19.12.2018, SKOPJE

ALERT! - At the gates of power - except exclusion
21.11.2018. – 19.12.2018.
Producer and organiser: KONTRAPUNKT, Skopje/Macedonia
Place: Museum of contemporary art, Skopje/Macedonia
CRIC Festival for critical culture was founded in 2016 and is taking place yearly in November.
The main goal of CRIC – festival of critical culture is the promotion of the artistic and cultural practices as societal relevant tools that will contribute to emancipation and democratization of the socio-cultural context. It aims to catalyze their affirmation, critical capacities and applicability in order to critically mobilize societal processes.
The thematic program of CRIC is created with the goal to stimulate critical debate in the public sphere, a crucial component in the promotion of the socio-cultural capital being a core deeply ingrained within the most relevant political and societal themes: human rights, the right to culture, identity issues, violence in the public sphere through the political and economical apparatus, as well as strengthening of communities through cultural and artistic practices.
CRIC- the acronym for critique, reaction, idea, confrontation (also a simultaneous Macedonian noun meaning “scream”), aims to oppose the “culture of silence”, promoting critical dialogue, new forms of presentation and application of knowledge, of contemporary memory and political history, thus opening up new possibilities for perpetual societal transformations.
The program of the festival addresses questions pertaining to the critical and developmental research of specific societal and political categories through the lens of cultural and artistic creation. It ponders upon the ways of existence of culture and of artistic production in the realm of the political, attempting to delineate the intricate network of philosophical, political and historical connections within socio-cultural practices. It delves in the common issues, influences and connections of art, politics and society. In addition, its program will explore how contemporary art and culture can (de) construct nationalistic myths, identities and frames of the otherness, dealing with traumatic points of society and immediate political themes.
CRIC - festival of critical culture is realized in collaboration with: the Multimedia Institute (MI2) from Zagreb, kuda.org from Novi Sad, Kulturtregerfrom Zagreb, Berliner Gazette from Berlin, n.b.k. Video-Forum from Berlin, Publishing House Goten from Skopje, and the platform World around us – critique in the region organized by the partner organizations kulturpunkt.hr and Kurziv (Croatia), SEECult (Serbia) and SCCA – Ljubljana (Slovenia),Press to Exit Project Space (Macedonia).
Kontrapunkt and CRIC – festival of critical culture is supported by Goethe-Institut Skopje, Foundation Open Society Macedonia, Ministry of Culture of R. of Macedonia, Foundation Kultura nova from Croatia and Creative Europe 2014 – 2020.
Logistic partners: Museum of Contemporary Art – Skopje and okno.mk