The promotion of the edition of "Mixed Media" by Bora Ćosić will be held on Thursday, December 16 at 7 pm in the hall on the first floor of the Belgrade Youth Center. Zoran Pantelić (KUDA.ORG), Dragan Protić (ŠKART), Vladimir Arsenijević (VBZ), Nenad Daković (DOB) and author Bora Ćosić are participating in the promotion via a video link
Publisher: VBZ, Belgrade
Year of publication: 2010
Edition realized by co-production: Institute for Culture of Vojvodina, Center for New Media_kuda.org, Novi Sad, and VBZ Belgrade
40 years since the first edition of Ćosić's book MIXED MEDIA, designed by Branko Vučićević, this book has become a kind of document of a period in art history and today it is experiencing its new, expanded edition.
The book was created on the principle of mixed-media, as an extraordinary example of a collaged structure of visual and written material: essays, reproductions, quotations, newspaper clippings, photocopies, etc. which is a multi-layered way of connecting the art history of the XX century, conceptual art, film theory, philosophy, social criticism, and sociological research, creating a specific index/encyclopedia of concepts.
From the introductory text of the expanded edition: MIXED MEDIA looks, among other things, at the artistic practices at the time, at the international neo-avant-garde movement of the 1960s (and later), about movements and practices such as Fluxus, neo-dada, neo -constructivism, visual poetry, later conceptual art, etc. which have the principle of "mixed-media" as their main feature ...
... Although it may seem like an enigmatic exception to the uninitiated, the first Mixed Media is just a detail in the picture of the period before and after the infamous 1968 (films, theater plays, exhibitions, printed things ...). And it fits into the tradition that goes from the Dadaist magazines of Dragan Aleksić (reprinted in Rok after all), through Marko Ristić-designer ... Bojan Stupica-designer (see Đilas: Legend of Njegoš, Culture, Belgrade 1952), Gorgona and the group OHO, etc...
(unnamed source, Bora Ćosić, kuda.org; mix. V. Arsenijević)
With over four hundred pages of text, with the design of the Škart group (http://www.skart.rs/), which is in direct connection with Vučićević's graphic solutions from the first version, this book can be considered an experiment in deconstructing the traditional structure of the book and the established canons in editing printed materials - in the visual and textual sense.
The author of the book MIXED MEDIA, Bora Ćosić is a prominent essayist and theorist. He was born in Zagreb in 1932. He graduated from the Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade and collaborated in numerous newspapers and literary magazines. Today he lives and works in Berlin. He has been present on the literary scene since the early 1960s when his first books of essays and novels were published. Ćosić is the heir of the Central European prose tradition of intellectual essayists, as well as one of the intellectuals who deal with the issues of Yugoslavism, with a mixture of elegiac and painful questioning after its disintegration.
The book will be available at the Belgrade Book Fair in Hall 1, at the VBZ stand.
Book information:
Bora Cosic
Antifascist struggles 35/5, Belgrade
tel / fax: +381 11 3119 857
e-mail: [email protected]
Institute for Culture of Vojvodina
Vojvode Putnika 2, Novi Sad
tel / fax: +381 21 4754-128, 4754-14
e-mail: [email protected]
Center for New Media_kuda.org
Braće Mogin 2, Novi Sad
tel / fax: +381 21 512 227
e-mail: [email protected]
For the publisher: Mile Tomić, Boško Zatezalo
Editor: Vladimir Arsenijević
Proofreading and proofreading: Gordana Stojšin
Design: ŠKART
Printing house: Stojkov Printing House, Novi Sad
copyright for the printed edition © 2010. Bora Ćosić
All rights reserved.
copyright © 2010. for Serbian, Croatian, and Bosnian editions
This work is licensed under the following conditions:
Creative Commons Authorship-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Serbia license.
The text of the license (the content of the contract in its entirety) can be found at: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/rs/