Četiri lica Omarske i Učitelj neznalica
Četiri lica Omarske i Učitelj neznalica
Umetnički projekat “Četiri lica Omarske” je rad u nastajanju, u svojoj početnoj fazi. Usvajanjem principa neznalačkog pristupa, Radna Grupa Četiri lica Omarske je pre tri meseca započela istraživanje rudničkog kompleksa Omarska kroz četiri aspekta njegovog postojanja: rudnički kompleks iz vremena socijalizma; mesto masovnog ubijanja i zločina devedesetih; savremeni rudnički kompleks u vlasništvu multinacionalne kompanije; lokacija za snimanje istorijskih etno blok-baster filmova novije srpske produkcije.
Predavanje: Politika, identitet i javni prostor
Predavanje: Politika, identitet i javni prostor
Salon Muzeja savremene umetnosti
Pariska 14, Beograd
Kritičke refleksije u praksama i kroz prakse savremene umetnosti
Predavač: Mika Hannula
Četvrtak, 7. oktobar 2010. u 19.00 časova
On Horizons: Art and Political Imagination
On Horizons: Art and Political Imagination
On Horizons: Art and Political Imagination
the second in the series of FORMER WEST Research Congresses,
takes place on 4–6 November 2010 at Istanbul Technical University
On Europe, Education, Global Capitalism and Ideology
On Europe, Education, Global Capitalism and Ideology
Global studies, Duke University
Volume 3, Dossier 2: On Europe, Education, Global Capitalism and Ideology
Edited by Marina Grzinic
To be accessed: http://trinity.duke.edu/globalstudies/volume-3-dossier-2-on-europe-educa...
new productivisms, transversal web journal
new productivisms, transversal web journal
new productivisms | nuevos productivismos | neue produktivismen
transversal web journal
Galerija Nova
Zagreb, Teslina 7
7. listopad - 6. studeni 2010.
(gostovanje Galerije SIZ u Galeriji Nova)
Otvaranje izložbe 7. listopada u 20.00 h
sudjeluju umjetnici: 16 Beaver Group, ABS, Milijana Babić, Tomislav Brajnović, Nemanja Cvijanović, Igor Grubić, Janez Janša & Janez Janša & Janez Janša, Iva Kovač & Elvis Krstulović, Siniša Labrović, Cesare Pietroiusti, Škart i Slaven Tolj
koncepcija: Davor Mišković i Nemanja Cvijanović
Queer Salon u okviru Pride Week-a
Queer Salon u okviru Pride Week-a
Queer salon
Kulturni centar Beograda
Otvaranje izložbe: ponedeljak, 4. oktobar u 20h
Impakt Festival 2010: Matrix City
Impakt Festival 2010: Matrix City
Wednesday, October 13 2010
Sunday, October 17 2010
Utrecht, Netherlands
Camera Politica, predavanje Pavla Levija
Camera Politica, predavanje Pavla Levija
Ponedeljak, 18. oktobar 2010, 19:00h
Centar za kulturnu dekontaminaciju
Paviljon Veljković, Birčaninova 21, Beograd
Predavanje Pavla Levija: CAMERA POLITICA
Is Curator an Artist, is Contemporary Art Exhibition an Art-work?
Is Curator an Artist, is Contemporary Art Exhibition an Art-work?
International Syposium: Exhibition as the Artistic Medium, Curator of Contemporary Art as the Artist. The Changing Statuses of the Exhibition and the Curator in the Field of Contemporary Art.
Association Igor Zabel for Culture and Theory
Friday 1st and Saturday 2nd October 2010
location: Museum of Modern Art Ljubljana, Tomsiceva 14
Ljubljana, Slovenia, www.mg-lj.si
Kapitalizam i urbana geografija
Kapitalizam i urbana geografija
U sklopu konferencije Nedovršene modernizacije: Ocrtavanje tendencija u Zagreb stiže David Harvey, marksistički kritičar i vodeći svjetski teoretičar urbane geografije.
Société Réaliste project in Ljubljana
Société Réaliste project in Ljubljana
Aksioma – Institute for Contemporary Art, Ljubljana presents:
Société Réaliste
Cosmopolites de tous les pays encore un effort
International Centre of Graphic Arts (MGLC)
Grad Tivoli, Pod turnom 3, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Unveiling of the public monument: 27 September 2010 at 6pm
Nedovršene modernizacije
Nedovršene modernizacije
U kinu Mosor od 1. do 2. listopada održat će se konferencija o dvogodišnjem arhitektonskom projektu.
WEIYTH SEMINAR 1: Misliti (film) politički
WEIYTH SEMINAR 1: Misliti (film) politički
WEIYTH SEMINAR 1: Misliti (film) politički: Umjetnost i aktivizam između reprezentacije i direktne akcije
[video projekcije i razgovor]
Pogon Jedinstvo (Mala dvorana)
Nedjelja, 26.09.2010., 19 h
U sklopu programa Operacije:grad (www.operacijagrad.info)
urednica: Jelena Vesić
sudjeluju: Vladan Jeremić, Jelena Vesić i Dmitry Vilensky
Umetnički filmski klub: Želimir Žilnik
Umetnički filmski klub: Želimir Žilnik
Umetnički filmski klub: Želimir Žilnik
29. septembar 2010.
Institut za savremenu umetnost (The Institute of Contemporary Arts (ICA)), London
Operacija: grad 2010
Operacija: grad 2010
U fokusu petog izdanja Operacije: grad su bivše tvornice kao centri zagrebačke nezavisne kulture, a uključuje 60 radova i projekata domaćih i stranih umjetnika.
Zagreb, 24. septembar - 3. oktobar, 2010.
Prostori: Pogon Jedinstvo, AKC Medika, Močvara
Više o programu: http://operacijagrad.info/
Video Vortex #6, Poziv za učestvovanje
Video Vortex #6, Poziv za učestvovanje
Poziv za učestvovanje: Video Vortex Amsterdam - 11-12.mart, 2011.
Video Vortex je događaj koji se bavi različitim aspektima i potencijalima online videa. Od 2007. godine održano je 5 festivala/događaja (Amsterdam, Brisel, Ankara, Split, i Brisel) i objavljen je zbornik tekstova. Ove godine, Institute of Network Cultures iz Amsterdama će organizovati 6. Video Vortex 11-12. marta, 2011.
Video Vortex #6 će uključiti konferenciju, umetničke prezentacije (diskusije/performanse/izložbe) i hands-on radionice.
IDEOLOGIJE I IDEALI. Prilozi istraživanju arhitekture 20. veka u Vojvodini
IDEOLOGIJE I IDEALI. Prilozi istraživanju arhitekture 20. veka u Vojvodini
Sreda 15. septembar u 19:00h
Muzej savremene umetnosti Vojvodine, Dunavska 37, Novi Sad,
Autorka i koordinatorka projekta: Ljubica Milović, d.i.a
. Otvaranje izložbe / Sreda, 15.septembar 2010. u 19h
. Projekcije dokumentarnog serijala / 4. - 8. oktobar 2010. od 18h
. Promocija knjige "Arhitektura 20. veka u Vojvodini" Vladimira Mitrovića / Utorak, 12. oktobar 2010. u 18h
Prateći program:
Janez Janša “Život (u nastajanju)”: Slijed događaja vezan uz predstavu/izložbu
Janez Janša “Život (u nastajanju)”: Slijed događaja vezan uz predstavu/izložbu
U ponedjeljak 30. kolovoza smo otvorili u MMSU izložbu Janeza Janše, "Život (u nastajanju)". Samo otvaranje je odlično prošlo pred cca 120-150 posjetitelja. Mediji su snimili otvaranje i sam čin rezanja zastave.
Ljubljana: Rođendan Metelkove
Ljubljana: Rođendan Metelkove
Od 7. do 12. septembra AKC Metelkova obeležava 17. godinu postojanja bogatim programom u sklopu kojeg će biti premijerno prikazan i igrano-dokumentarni film Grenkoba nasmeha.
Call for papers: Edufactory Journal, #1
Call for papers: Edufactory Journal, #1
Call for papers - Edufactory Journal, No. 1
Transforming Universities: Measure, Transition, Institution
'The old institutions are crumbling ...' - so began the introduction to the zero issue of Edufactory Journal on the double crisis of the university and the global economy. Paradoxically, one of the conditions of this double crisis is the global expansion of the university. The old institutions are crumbling but they are simultaneously trying to reinvent themselves, to transplant themselves, to network themselves.
#1 between: borders
#1 between: borders
#1 between: borders
Presentations by
John Palmesino and Florian Schneider
17 – 18 September 2010
Jan van Eyck Academie, Maastricht
Five years after several hundreds of migrants managed to climb the fences that surround the Spanish enclaves of Ceuta and Mellila it is time to evaluate again the impact of the events of the end of September 2005. What then was coined as a "storm on fortress Europe" by the mainstream media might well have marked the beginning of a subtle redesign of the European outer borders.
Ljubljana: First International Festival of the Artist's Book
Ljubljana: First International Festival of the Artist's Book
Blind Date Convention
First International Festival of the Artist's Book
Ljubljana, 14 September – 20 October 2010
Zavod P.A.R.A.S.I.T.E., www.zavod-parasite.si, is pleased to announce the Blind Date Convention, the First International Festival of the Artist's Book and Artist's Publications, which will unfold in Ljubljana from 14 September to 20 October 2010.
The festival represents this year's central event devoted exclusively to the artist book as a specific medium of visual arts.
Re-Designing the East. Political Design in Asia and Europe
Re-Designing the East. Political Design in Asia and Europe
Re-Designing the East. Political Design in Asia and Europe
Württembergischer Kunstverein Stuttgart
September 25, 2010 – January 9, 2011
Société Réaliste: The Fountainhead and Other Artworks
Société Réaliste: The Fountainhead and Other Artworks
Société Réaliste: The Fountainhead and Other Artworks
PLATFORM3 - Spaces for Contemporary Art, Munich, Germany
opening on September, 14th, 2010 at 7 p.m.