NOISM 2024 Concert series #3: Fabian Lanzmaier (Vienna) + Laptop okrestar (Novi Sad), 14.09.2024. at 20:00h

NOISM 2024 Concert series #3 in production
September 14th, 2024. at 20:00h
Ruthenian Cultural Center MATKA
Jovana Subotića 8, Novi Sad
entrance: 400 rsd
Fabian Lanzmaier (Vienna), live performance on a mutlichannel soundsystem
Laptop Ensemble Novi Sad, (Novi Sad), electronics
Fabian Lanzmaier works with sound and music, as a solo artist as well as in several formations combining sound with installations, theatre, dance, moving image and live performances. In his live performances he uses audio synthesis to explore aspects of texture and structure of sound as well as its presence within space. He is experimenting with perception and ideas of natural / artificial sounds, fluid and ambiguous environments. A maze into surreal surroundings of organic structures in constant movement and disruption. He studied at the Institute for Electroacoustic Compostition in Vienna and is an active member of the collectives Columbosnext, Verschubu Records and Velak.
LENS - Laptop Ensemble Novi Sad, (Novi Sad). A group of students from the Department of New Media at the Novi Sad Academy of Arts, gathered around musicologist Prof. Milan Milojković, perform computer-generated compositions. So far, they have performed several sessions of public performances in Novi Sad.
NOISM - New forms of research in contemporary music is implemented through a series of short-term art residencies, workshops and concert series, aimed at authorial production which enables collaboration between international artists and local participants to create new music artwork or sound installations in public space. NOISM is a program through which contemporary practices in music and sound experiment are developed interaction and the process of joint creation of works. It is dedicated to temporary zones of groupness and improvisational practice that arises in sound, with sound and around sound.
NOISM 2024 program is supported by Austrian Cultural Forum Belgrade, Novi Sad City Administration for Culture, Intonema, Ruthenian cultural center MATKA, Muzičke radionice Presto and, with the general support of the FfAI Foundation.