Screening of films and a concert on the plateau in front of the premises on Friday, June 21, 2019. from 19-22h, Detelinara, Braće Mogin 2. WELCOME! invites you to a screening of Miloš Tomić's films and a concert on the plateau in front of the premises on Friday, June 21, 2019. from 19-22h, Detelinara, Braće Mogin 2.


With this event, we will start cooperation with Miloš Tomić, an artist from Belgrade, on the production of the artwork "Detelinara Symphony", which is created in cooperation with neighbors, local musicians, and artists, as well as naturalists and self-taught people, which will result in audio-video work. a series of miniatures, elaborated by themes and noted by a different series of associations.


Friday program:

19 h performance of DJ Direct Control and his surprise guests

A spontaneous jam session starts at 8 pm, launched by the "Temporary Friday Afternoon Band" with the participation of all neighbors and guests

9 pm screening of films and video works by Miloš Tomić


Come and mark the end of school, the beginning of summer, and the summer solstice with socializing and a concert.