Tribune: "Talks on Talks on Anarchism", Monday, December 22 at 7 pm, Youth Center CK13

22.12. Monday, 7 pm, Tribune: "Talks on Talks on Anarchism", Entrance: Free
Presentation of the bilingual publication "Talk on Anarchism" (publisher: Logistics Support Group) and the latest printed productions of collectives from the region.
GLP participants in their initial line-up speak Vladan Jeremić, Dragan Ambrozić, and Milica Ružičić, as well as other invited guests.
The Logistics Support Group (GLP, is an informal group founded in February 2006 as a volunteer initiative created out of the need and desire to bring and critically consider the ideas of political activism and anarchism, the active community and the general public. At the beginning of May 2006, GLP launched a series of open discussions and meetings Conversations on Anarchism at the Belgrade Youth Center, inviting people from theory and practice to participate in events and present the views they represent. The conversations were established so that the audience was openly involved in each event. Talks on anarchism sometimes lasted 3 hours, and between 100 and 200 people came, a good part of whom was actively involved. In the period from May 2006 to May 2007, the Logistics Support Group organized 10 events Talks on Anarchism with local speakers from Germany, Croatia, and Turkey at the Belgrade Youth Center. Most of the discussions were audio documented for publication in collaboration with the participants.
All audio, photo, and text material can be found on the GLP website. The leader of the cycle Talks on Anarchism publishes whole transcripts or parts of transcripts of discussions in Serbo-Croatian and English, which are participants in the conversation (Misha Mashina, Dražen Šimleša, Marko Strpić, Sanja Petkovska, Vanda Perović, Vladan Jeremić, Sezgin Boynik, Igor Todorović, Edgar Buršić, Boris Kanzleiter, Academician Prof. Dr. Dragutin Leković, Sonja Drljević, Dragomir Olujić, Silke Majer-Vit, Dragan Ambrozić) prepared in cooperation with GLP. Additional texts or abstracts of the presentations of invited guests were also published.
GLP would especially like to thank Marina Sitrin, Jürgen Mümken, Sureyy Evren, Andrej Grubačić, and the Freedom Fight team for their additional contribution. GLP thanks the x-y Solidarity Fund for financial assistance in publishing this publication.