WHERE HAVE THEY BEEN, WHAT HAVE THEY DONE - interview with Gordana Nikolić and Nataša Vujkov

  • kuda.
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  • kuda.

THURSDAY, April 22, 2010, at 7 p.m.
Youth Center CK13
Vojvode Bojovića 13, Novi Sad

WHERE HAVE THEY BEEN, WHAT HAVE THEY DONE - a conversation with Gordana Nikolić and Natasa Vujkov

In the series of presentations entitled * WHERE HAVE THEY BEEN, WHAT HAVE THEY DONE*, which have been an integral part of the tribune program of the Rex Cultural Center for five years, and since this spring in cooperation with New Media Center_kuda.org from Novi Sad, mostly artists and cultural workers -workers, who on various occasions visited, cooperated or worked abroad for a long time.

They talk about the reasons and reasons for their departure and work, about the conditions under which they participate in international projects, some interesting aspects of life and work in foreign countries. All presentations were accompanied by the presentation of photo and video material made by the guest on his / her trip and stay in foreign countries.

The aim of this program is on the one hand to enable the sharing and discussion of professional experiences gained during work and communication in other professional and cultural environments and on the other to clarify and make clearer and more accessible procedures, opportunities, and benefits related to international exchange and cooperation of cultural workers. / workers and creators/creators.

Briefly about the participants:
Natasha Vujkov spent 3 months in Sofia (Bulgaria) within the residential program "Opening Our Closed Shops" realized in cooperation with the art centers of Eastern and Western Europe (Akademie Schloss Solitude, Stuttgart; Center for Contemporary Art Ujazdowski Castle, Warsaw; Jozsef Attila Circle, Budapest, InterSpace Media Art Center, Sofia and Centar_kuda.org, Novi Sad) with the support of the Allianz Cultural Foundation. While working on the documentary video installation, she had the opportunity to collaborate with local artists, get to know the cultural and artistic scene of Sofia as well as the current political and social climate of Bulgaria.

http: //www.allianz-kulturstiftung.de/en/projects/visual_arts/opening_our ...

Gordana Nikolic stayed in Bristol (UK) during November and December 2009. Her residency at the Center for Contemporary Art - Spike Island (Bristol) was realized within the international program for artists, curators and writers "Accented Residency" initiated by the British Council. During her stay, she had the opportunity to meet local artistic activist initiatives from Bristol, as well as to engage in daily activities and study certain sports art skills on the hill and in the caves of the non-urban part of the city together with one of the protagonists of the Irational.org group, Heath Banting ( Heath Bunting), Vahid Ramujkić and their friends.


The interview is organized in cooperation with the Rex Cultural Center, Belgrade, and the Center for New Media_kuda.org, Novi Sad.

