admin's blog announce: the new publication Fragments for Studies on Art Organisations, Volume 1 announce: the new publication Fragments for Studies on Art Organisations, Volume 1 announce: the new publication

Fragments for Studies on Art Organisations, Volume 1 objavljuje: nova publikacija Fragmenti za studije o umetničkim organizacijama, Tom 1 objavljuje: nova publikacija Fragmenti za studije o umetničkim organizacijama, Tom 1 objavljuje: nova publikacija

Fragmenti za studije o umetničkim organizacijama, Tom 1


FILE UNDER POPULAR - a book by Chris Cutler published by

FILE UNDER POPULAR - a book by Chris Cutler published by

FILE UNDER POPULAR - a book by Chris Cutler published by

One primary need should be emphasized: that musicians themselves develop a theory of music and culture derived from their practices. Such a theory, accompanied by a struggle for meaningful forms, must be the starting point of our action.

"File Under Popular" is a collection of essays on the political theory of popular music by British musician, composer, and theorist Chris Culter.

Public discussion: OPINION ON ART OR A DISASTER on Thursday, September 29th at 7 pm, CK13, Novi Sad

Public discussion: OPINION ON ART OR A DISASTER on Thursday, September 29th at 7 pm, CK13, Novi Sad

The Group for Conceptual Politics (GCP) and the New Media invite you to a public discussion:


Thursday, September 29th, 2016, at 7 p.m.

Youth Center CK13

Vojvode Bojovića 13, Novi Sad and Zoran Todorović, Marina Vishmidt i Anthony Iles at the exhibition „Nuisance Values“ in Innsbruck and Zoran Todorović, Marina Vishmidt i Anthony Iles at the exhibition „Nuisance Values“ in Innsbruck

NUISANCE VALUE exhibition, participants:
Andrea Bellu & Matei Bellu
Focus Group with Audrey Morency, Anouk Müller, Paul Olk, Laura Winterberg
Anthony Iles & Marina Vishmidt & Conceptual Policy Group & Zoran Todorovic
Benjamin Tiven & Erik Wysocan
curator: Andrei Siclodi

* Kunstpavillon - Tiroler Künstlerschaft, Innsbruck

* Opening: Thursday, June 16, 2016, 7 p.m.

Revitalization as an urban strategy, lecture by architects Daphne Berc, Zagreb and Lusiano Basauri, Santiago de Chile

Revitalization as an urban strategy, lecture by architects Daphne Berc, Zagreb and Lusiano Basauri, Santiago de Chile

Tuesday, February 21, 2012, at 2:00 p.m.
Hall "Ranko Radović", Department of Architecture and Urbanism, FTN, IV floor

Lecture by the architect
Dafne Berc, Zagreb, Faculty of Architecture, University of Zagreb
Lusiano Basauri, Santiago, Chile (Santiago de Chile)

Lecture: Revitalization as an urban strategy

The exhibition/archive: General Guide to Anything Anyone Might Have or See Anywhere, presented in Novi Sad

The exhibition/archive: General Guide to Anything Anyone Might Have or See Anywhere, presented in Novi Sad

General Guide to Anything Anyone Might Have or See Anywhere
(Chapter 1, Novi Sad)

Opening of the exhibition/archive: Friday, 21. January 2011, 15:00, SULUV Gallery

The exhibition/archive will be open to the visitors in the following days and locations:
21 - 23. January 2011. SULUV Gallery, Bulevar Mihajla Pupina 9, Novi Sad
21 - 22. January 2011. Matica Srpska Gallery, Trg Galerija 1, Novi Sad

Residency in Novi Sad - Akademie Schloss Solitude (2010-2014)

Residency in Novi Sad - Akademie Schloss Solitude (2010-2014)

In the period from 2010 to 2014, the cooperation of with Akademie Schloss Solitude functioned bilaterally. Artists, architects, and philosophers, former residents of Solitude, stayed in Novi Sad for a period of 3 months. Their stay was realized in cooperation with the Institute for Culture of Vojvodina.

Akademie Schloss Solitude (2008-2015)

Akademie Schloss Solitude (2008-2015)

In the period from 2008 to 2015, participated in a bilateral artist exchange program, lasting three months in cooperation with Akademie Schloss Solitude, Stuttgart,

As part of this residency program, several artists, architects, and art historians had the opportunity to stay and realize their projects in Stuttgart at the Akademie Schloss Solitude:

Backyard Residencies program (2006-07)

Backyard Residencies program (2006-07)

Backyard Residencies - A program of specialist stays for artists in Southeast Europe

The Backyard Residencies program aims to renew and establish links between artists and local art scenes in the countries of Southeast Europe.

Twelve selected artists had the opportunity to spend 6 to 8 weeks in one of the three independent art institutions in Romania, Turkey and Serbia. The program of the artist's professional stay took place from June 2006 to June 2007.

Host institutions:

"Theory of the Subject" Alain Badiou

"Theory of the Subject" Alain Badiou

"Theory of the Subject" by Alain Badiou - translation into Serbo-Croatian published by GKP &

On the occasion of the issue: publishing project publishing project is a publishing project of launched in 2004 and is dedicated to research: a critical approach to the culture of new media and technologies, new relations in culture, contemporary art practice and theory, as well as politics, activism, and philosophy. So far, over 20 editions have been published in the edition, most of which have been published bilingually, in Serbian and English.

WAR TODAY - Lecture by Sylvain Lazarus in CK13 Novi Sad, organized by and GCP

WAR TODAY - Lecture by Sylvain Lazarus in CK13 Novi Sad, organized by and GCP and the Group for Conceptual Politics (GCP) invite you to a lecture:

War today
guest lecturer: Sylvain Lazarus, Paris

Thursday, October 29, 2015, at 7 p.m.
Youth Center CK13
Vojvode Bojovića 13, Novi Sad

Art theorist Anthony Iles at

Art theorist Anthony Iles at

As part of the "Aesthetic Education Extended" project, art theorist Anthony Iles from London will be staying at in Novi Sad, on several occasions and through a series of residencies during 2015 and 2016.

A collective poetic translation of the Surrealist Anti-Wall

A collective poetic translation of the Surrealist Anti-Wall

A collective poetic translation of the Surrealist Anti-Wall
Howard Slater, Vladimir Tabašević, and GKP

June 29 - July 6, 2015
Novi Sad, Braće Mogin 2

3 & 4. July (Friday and Saturday), from 12-17h
public conversations with guests at

"It all comes down to aesthetics and political economy" - lectures, films, books and a concert (28-31.05.2014.) In Novi Sad

"It all comes down to aesthetics and political economy" - lectures, films, books and a concert (28-31.05.2014.) In Novi Sad

With Mallarmé's quote "It all comes down to aesthetics and political economy", announces and invites four days of programs within the final event of the trans-European project "Extended Aesthetic Education - Art Experiment and Political Culture in the Age of Networks".

Presentation of the production and the practice of the New Media Center_ from Novi Sad at the Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Rijeka

Presentation of the production and the practice of the New Media Center_ from Novi Sad at the Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Rijeka

Sunday 06/09/2013 at 7 p.m.
Participants: members of - Branka Ćurčić, Zoran Pantelić and Borka Stojić
Moderator: Andrej Mirčev

New book published by Red Horizon. The Avant-Garde and the Revolution in Yugoslavia 1919 – 1932, Dejan Sretenović in Serbian and English

New book published by Red Horizon. The Avant-Garde and the Revolution in Yugoslavia 1919 – 1932, Dejan Sretenović in Serbian and English

New book published by

Red Horizon. The Avant-Garde and the Revolution in Yugoslavia 1919 – 1932, Dejan Sretenović

in Serbian and English


Nova knjiga u izdanju Crveni horizont. Avangarda i revolucija u Jugoslaviji 1919 – 1932, Dejana Sretenovića, na srpskom i engleskom jeziku

Nova knjiga u izdanju Crveni horizont. Avangarda i revolucija u Jugoslaviji 1919 – 1932, Dejana Sretenovića, na srpskom i engleskom jeziku

Nova knjiga u izdanju

Crveni horizont. Avangarda i revolucija u Jugoslaviji 1919 – 1932, Dejana Sretenovića

na srpskom i engleskom jeziku recommends: Free Jazz Communism (Rab Rab Press), spontaneous contribution to the programs NOISM + LOST & FoUND recommends: Free Jazz Communism (Rab Rab Press), spontaneous contribution to the programs NOISM + LOST & FoUND recommends:

Free Jazz Communism (Rab Rab Press),
spontaneous contribution to the programs NOISM + LOST & FoUND preporučuje: Free Jazz Communism (Rab Rab Press), spontani doprinos programima NOISM + LOST & FoUND preporučuje: Free Jazz Communism (Rab Rab Press), spontani doprinos programima NOISM + LOST & FoUND preporučuje:
Free Jazz Communism (Rab Rab Press)
spontani doprinos programima NOISM + LOST & FoUND

ŽILNIK & BUDEN : Prelude into past, book promotion in Zagreb

ŽILNIK & BUDEN : Prelude into past, book promotion in Zagreb

02/03/2014 [Monday] _ 19: 00h MM center [Savska 25]

ŽILNIK & BUDEN: Prelude into past

The idea of radical media: mi2 published reader of the conference held on 7-8. June 2013 in Zagreb

The idea of radical media: mi2 published reader of the conference held on 7-8. June 2013 in Zagreb

Conference participants and authors of texts published in the reader: Clemens Apprich, Eric Kluitenberg, Jodie Dean, Matteo Pasquinelli, Branka Ćurčić, Alessandro Ludovico, Anthony Illes, Joanne Richardson, Vera Tollman, Katarina Peović Vuković, Ana Peraica.

The nineties are back! So as ARKzin! - mi2, Zagreb

The nineties are back! So as ARKzin! - mi2, Zagreb


In Croatia, the monolithic order of 1 state, 1 nation, 1 church, 1 language and script, 1 marriage, 1 economic system is once again being wildly practiced. The Croatian dream of undisturbed unity and purity is dreaming again. The nineties are back! … It's time for Arkzin to come back too! Once, as a media action, Arkzin will return to the newsstands in the coming days together with Novosti (November 22), Le Monde Diplomatique (November 25), and Zarez (November 21).

Вас Ист АРКзин​ (Was Ist ARKzin) - public discussion and exhibition organized by & mi2

Вас Ист АРКзин​ (Was Ist ARKzin) - public discussion and exhibition organized by & mi2


Public discussion and presentation of the exhibition about ARKzin magazine

Monday, November 25, 2013, at 6 pm

NDNV - Independent Association of Journalists of Vojvodina, Zmaj Jovina 3 / I, Novi Sad

Discussion participants: Dejan Kršić, designer and editor of ARKzin, Zagreb Vesna Janković, main editor of ARKzin, Zagreb Boris Buden, philosopher and member of the editorial board of ARKzin, Berlin Tomislav Medak, Multimedia Institute mi2, Zagreb members of NDNV and, Novi Sad
