4th Birthday of the Youth Center CK13, Tribune: Does everyone has their own center?
4th Birthday of the Youth Center CK13, Tribune: Does everyone has their own center?
Youth Center CK13, April 13 marks the fourth year of operation!
We will celebrate the fourth birthday of CK13, together with you, with an Open Kitchen dinner, a tribune, and a concert.
4th birthday program:
17h - 19h: Dinner
GROUP APRIL: HISTORY CLASS No. 2, Announcement on the occasion of the action carried out at the opening of the reconstructed building of the Cultural Center of Novi Sad (KCNS)
GROUP APRIL: HISTORY CLASS No. 2, Announcement on the occasion of the action carried out at the opening of the reconstructed building of the Cultural Center of Novi Sad (KCNS)
Announcement regarding the action for the opening of the reconstructed building
Cultural Center of Novi Sad (KCNS)
Last night, on April 5, 2011, during the city celebration, in front of the renovated building of the Cultural Center of the city, an action of the April group called HISTORY HOUR no.2. The members of the April group expressed their protest by gathering and displaying a banner that read: HISTORY WAS DELETED AT THIS PLACE BY DECISION OF THE CITY ADMINISTRATION.
Youth Center CK13: Press release on the occasion of writing hate graffitiYouth Center CK13: Press release on the occasion of writing hate graffiti
Youth Center CK13: Press release on the occasion of writing hate graffitiYouth Center CK13: Press release on the occasion of writing hate graffiti
The Youth center CK13 and kuda.org strongly condemn the writing of hate slogans on the walls of the center and calls on the state authorities to react urgently.
Presentation: Media art practice collection in the Museum of Contemporary Art Belgrade
Presentation: Media art practice collection in the Museum of Contemporary Art Belgrade
Presentation: Media art practice collection of Museum of Contemporary Art Vojvodina and the Center for New Media_kuda.org from Novi Sad
Friday, January 14, 2011, at 6 p.m.
Speakers: Kristijan Lukić (Museum of Contemporary Art of Vojvodina) and Zoran Pantelić (New Media Center_kuda.org)
INtoOUTREACH - Program for establishing new forms of cooperation in the production and distribution of culture
INtoOUTREACH - Program for establishing new forms of cooperation in the production and distribution of culture
On Wednesday, December 22, the first working meeting within the program INtoOUTREACH will be happening in Novi Sad. The program is designed to re-perform a number of successful projects produced by the independent cultural sector in the last decade. It is intended for the re-use of existing knowledge and sharing of acquired experiences with new partners from Serbia and the region.
The promotion of the edition of "Mixed Media" by Bora Ćosić will be held on Thursday, December 16 at 7 pm in the hall on the first floor of the Belgrade Youth Center. Zoran Pantelić (KUDA.ORG), Dragan Protić (ŠKART), Vladimir Arsenijević (VBZ), Nenad Daković (DOB) and author Bora Ćosić are participating in the promotion via a video link
Publisher: VBZ, Belgrade
Year of publication: 2010
Edition realized by co-production: Institute for Culture of Vojvodina, Center for New Media_kuda.org, Novi Sad, and VBZ Belgrade
Prati na mreži, Kultura elektronskog kriminala, prevod na srpski jezik
Prati na mreži, Kultura elektronskog kriminala, prevod na srpski jezik
Naslov originala na nemačkom jeziku:
Netzpiraten: die Kultur des elektronischen Verbrechens
2001 by Heise Zeitschriften Verlag GmbH und Co. KG, Germany
Editors: Armin Medosch, Janko Röttgers
Informacije o prevodu na srpski jezik:
Title: Prati na mreži, Kultura elektronskog kriminala
Authors of texts: Bernhard Günther, David McCandless, Janko Röttgers, Peter Mühlbauer, Armin Medosch, Florian Schneider, Florian Rötzer, Boris Gröndahl, Ralf Bendrath, Christiane Schulzki-Haddouti.
Deep Search II Konferencija
Deep Search II Konferencija
Deep Search II, Beč, 28. maja 2010
World-Information Institute
Program konferencije na:
Magazine Mute Vol 2 #15
Magazine Mute Vol 2 #15
Časopis Mute Vol 2 # 15
WHERE HAVE THEY BEEN, WHAT HAVE THEY DONE - interview with Gordana Nikolić and Nataša Vujkov
WHERE HAVE THEY BEEN, WHAT HAVE THEY DONE - interview with Gordana Nikolić and Nataša Vujkov
THURSDAY, April 22, 2010, at 7 p.m.
Youth Center CK13
Vojvode Bojovića 13, Novi Sad
WHERE HAVE THEY BEEN, WHAT HAVE THEY DONE - a conversation with Gordana Nikolić and Natasa Vujkov
Seminar će se održati u Briselu i Parizu, u oba slučaja u Javnoj školi.
Brisel, 23. aprila, 15-18h
Učesnici: Agencija, Dessislava Dimova, Albert Heta, Olga Kisseleva
za više informacija, sledite vezu: http://brussels.thepublicschool.org/class/2336
Tribune: Repression and mounted trials
Tribune: Repression and mounted trials
Campaign against political repression - REPRESSION AND MOUNTED TRIALS
Tuesday, Apr 20 2010 at 5 p.m.
Youth Center CK13
Vojvode Bojovića 13, Novi Sad
Jacques Ransier/Lisa Penkova, Yugoslav Drama Theater, 30.3.2010, 20.30h
Jacques Ransier/Lisa Penkova, Yugoslav Drama Theater, 30.3.2010, 20.30h
The day after the lecture by Jacques Ransier (Božidar Adžija National University Hall, 29.02.2010-20h)
Lisa Penkova meets Jacques Rancière
La danseuse ne danse pas
La danseuse n'est pas une femme
Stéphane Mallarmé
The dancer does not dance
The dancer is not a woman
Stefan Malarme
Lisa Penkova spent seven years in the Belgian contemporary dance troupe ROSAS, choreographed by Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker (http://www.rosas.be/).
WHW, The Situation of Contemporary Armenian Art
WHW, The Situation of Contemporary Armenian Art
Nova Gallery, Teslina 7, Zagreb
Monday, March 29, 2010, 7 p.m.
Ruben Arevshatyan
The Situation of Contemporary Armenian Art or Permanent Resistance in the Context of Permanent Transitions
Jacques Rancière, biography
Jacques Rancière, biography
Jacques Rancière was born in 1940 in Algeria. After graduating from the École normale supérieure with Louis Althusser in 1969, he responded to a call from Michel Foucault, joining the Department of Philosophy at the newly founded Vincennes Experimental University, which will gather various names in the coming years. French philosophies of the second half of the 20th century: Deleuze, Lyotard, Badiou, and many others. After the University moved to the Paris suburb of Saint-Denis in 1980 and became known as Paris-VIII, Rancière would teach there until his retirement in the mid-1990s.
Deep Search: politika pretraživanja izvan Google-a
Deep Search: politika pretraživanja izvan Google-a
Publikacija Word-Information Institute: http://world-information.org/wii
Konrad Becker/ Felix Stalder [eds.] Studienverlag & Transaction Publishers, 220 str. ISBN 978-3-7065-4795-6
Summer School 2010: Lost in the Transition
Summer School 2010: Lost in the Transition
Organized by Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung (Belgrade) in cooperation with the Alternative Cultural Organization - AKM (Novi Sad)
"Transition" is the most commonly used term to describe changes in Eastern and Southeastern Europe since the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989. In the media, politics, and social sciences, this term is commonly used to describe the transformation of societies from the authoritarian system of state socialism, to democratic and liberal societies.
Branko Vučićević: History of avant-garde film for beginners and repeaters
Branko Vučićević: History of avant-garde film for beginners and repeaters
Students’ City Cultural Center
Wednesday 17.3. Small Hall
Branko Vučićević
A history of avant-garde film for beginners and repeaters
Film | Ein Film von | Una pelicula de Dario Azzellini & Oliver Ressler
94 min., 2010
Film Daria Azzellinija i Olivera Resslera
94 min., 2010
Society on the Move - New Social Movements in Yugoslavia from 1968 to the Present
Society on the Move - New Social Movements in Yugoslavia from 1968 to the Present
Proceedings of the conference "1968 and new social movements in Yugoslavia" held on June 12-14, 2009 in Novi Sad (Cinema Hall MSUV)
11. i 12. marta u Budimpešti i Beču odigraće se događaj koji je samo naoko beznačajan i samoreferencijalan: proslava godišnjice Bolonjskog procesa, reforma univerzitetskog sistema sastavljena pre deset godina i progresivno primenjena u evropskim zemljama, ali ne samo tamo. Između Budimpešte i Beča, 46 evropskih ministara obrazovanja okupiće se kako bi nazdravili neuspehu i dekadenciji evropskog obrazovnog sistema.
Designer: Author or Universal Soldier
Designer: Author or Universal Soldier
Inspired by the exhibition of graphics by Milton Glaser, one of the biggest names in graphic design in the second half of the twentieth century, which will be shown to Belgrade audiences in March, the authors of this project have launched several parallel events in this field. The intimate, thoughtful, and inspiring Glaser exhibition Drawing is Thinking will be a stimulus and a framework for the exchange of ideas and experiences of creators from the region.
Electrics Gallery, Pančevo: ART AND ACTIVISM
Electrics Gallery, Pančevo: ART AND ACTIVISM
Electrics Gallery of the Cultural Center of Pancevo
Vojvode Radomira Putnika 7, Pancevo
Lecture series: ART AND ACTIVISM
The program is led by: Ana Vilenica
on Thursdays at 5 p.m.
1. The role of the party in the art after the October Revolution
case study: Conflict on the literary left (March 4, 2010)
2. Sartre's theory of individual engagement in art
case study: Engaged film of the Belgrade Cinema Club 3. (March 11, 2010)
3. Influence of 1968 on artistic practice (March 18, 2010)
Exhibition - Autopsia: The Mirror of Destruction
Exhibition - Autopsia: The Mirror of Destruction
Exhibition - Autopsia: The Mirror of Destruction
March 11 - April 11, 2010
Exhibition opening: Thursday, March 11, 2010, at 8 p.m.
Exhibition curator: Dejan Sretenović
Salon of the Museum of Contemporary Art, Pariska 14, Belgrade
Lecture by Ana Đokić and Marc Neelen (STEALTH.unlimited), March 10, 7 pm, Miroslav Kraljević Gallery, Zagreb
Lecture by Ana Đokić and Marc Neelen (STEALTH.unlimited), March 10, 7 pm, Miroslav Kraljević Gallery, Zagreb
* micropolitics *: From the Venice Biennale to the Tirana Biennale - fire and other burning issues, Ana Džokić and Marc Neelen (STEALTH.unlimited)
Wednesday, Mar 10, 2010, at 7 p.m.
Miroslav Kraljević Gallery, Šubićeva 29, Zagreb